Transparent pricing

Minimal investment,
Maximum results

Single Session

Need help with a single assignment or last-minute exam prep? This is the perfect option.


per session


Punch-pass style, so you have the flexibility to drop in when you want at a lower cost per session.


per session

Semester Plan

Consistency is key, and this is the plan we recommend for the best results.

$25 20

per session*


How we will help you.

Checking all your boxes

Get homework done faster

Be confident and prepared for exams

Learn to learn for yourself by making full use of the tools available to you

Sign-up & study with friends who motivate you

Answer the question, “When will I use this in the real world?”

Effective help from tutors who have recently been in your shoes

Ask questions in a judgement & teacher-free environment

Making the math work in your favor


Sessions held at your student’s school = One less place to drag a moody teenager


Costs 60% less than private tutoring, and requires 100% fewer strangers in your home


Eliminate the power struggle to get homework done


Sessions held every week make accountability easy & productivity certain


Save thousands* in college tuition & earn college credit by helping your student pass AP Exams

* For reference, one in-state credit at CU Boulder costs a minimum of $513 (up to $758 depending on your major) for new students in 2024. See how much you can save at other institutions by googling, “tuition rates at your school

We promise to keep your information private and only use it for official communication.

Our Mission

Whether you are a parent or a student, our goal is to make your life easier. Today, tomorrow, and for the years to come.